1) HOME PAGE - convenient, fast and reliable type of ordering:
ORDER - put the selected item / s to the Shiping cart (Add to cart), click "Next" and enter the contact information, address / time, click "Next" and select the type of payment. Confirm your order.
RECEIVING - the goods are delivered within 1-3 business days depending on the type of delivery and payment chosen by you.
* Goods that are not in stock, you need to wait 6-8 weeks. If the delivery time exceeds the expected time, select the product in the same section to find an alternative product or contact us. ”
If the total amount of purchases in the shopping cart without delivery charges is less than €19.99, an administration fee of €1.99 will be charged to cover the costs of preparing the goods and maintaining warehouse processes.
Natural persons should pay natural resource tax (DRN).
2) E-MAIL - send your requests by e-mail and our customer service specialists will process your order *
3) TELEPHONE - call us +371 67703377 or +371 67703344 and we will accept your order **
*, **: In order to avoid misunderstandings about contact information or types of payment and delivery, it recommends placing orders on the home page.