Product code: GP-288619

Reusable stems for wine glasses, PS, Black

  • Q-ty in one packaging: 20 pcs.
  • Packaging case q-ty: 20 pcs.

3.15 EUR / 20 pcs. + VAT
2.84 EUR / 20 pcs. + VAT
% buying at least 400 pcs.
Volume discounts
20 pcs.

Stems for wine glasses

Our reusable plastic stemware is made of qualitative and durable plastic that fully imitates simple and elegant  design of wine glass. The stem will allow the drinker to hold the glass without affecting the temperature of the drink. Our reusable and unbreakable stems for plastic glasses help to serve favorite wines, cocktails on any parties or public events. 

  • Product code: GP-288619
Material Polystyrene (PS)
Color black
Size, cm 9
Packaging, pcs 20
Case q-ty, pcs 400
Case size, cm 39x30x51
Gross weight, kg 3,18
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