Product code: MR-CMNXLT

Vinyl gloves powder-free, size XL, transparent

  • Q-ty in one packaging: 100 pcs.
  • Packaging case q-ty: 10 pcs.

3.55 EUR / 100 pcs. + VAT
3.20 EUR / 100 pcs. + VAT
% buying at least 1000 pcs.
Volume discounts
100 pcs.

Vinyl gloves XL powder-free

XL size – comfort for larger hands. Our matte powder-free vinyl gloves XL are perfect for chefs, sushi masters, and food handlers with larger hands. The smooth matte finish ensures a secure grip on delicate ingredients like sushi rice or fish. Latex-free and powder-free, these gloves prevent contamination while offering durability for kitchen tasks.

  • Product code: MR-CMNXLT
Material Vinyl
Color clear
Packaging, pcs 100
Case q-ty, pcs 1000
Case size, cm 23 x 25 x 30
Gross weight, kg 6.20
Case cube, m3 0.017
Number of units per pallet 84
Packaging size, cm 22x12x5.5
Packaging weight, kg 0.65
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