Product code: GA-33038

Plastic bottle 330 ml, neck 38 mm, PET, transparent

  • Q-ty in one packaging: 162 pcs.
  • Packaging case q-ty: 1 pcs.

31.50 EUR / 162 pcs. + VAT
30.56 EUR / 162 pcs. + VAT
% buying at least 486 pcs.
Volume discounts
162 pcs.

PET plastic bottles 330 ml

Plastic PET bottles, made from polyethylene terephthalate, are a common and versatile packaging material used for a wide range of beverages, personal care products, and household items. Known for their lightweight yet durable nature, PET bottles are favored for their transparency, allowing consumers to easily see the contents inside. These bottles are also recyclable, making them an environmentally friendly choice for packaging. With their ability to resist shattering and retain the freshness of their contents, PET plastic bottles have become a popular choice for manufacturers and consumers alike. Whether used for water, soda, juice, or other liquids, PET bottles play a significant role in modern packaging solutions.

  • Product code: GA-33038
Material Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Color clear
Volume, ml 300/350
Packaging, pcs 162
Case q-ty, pcs 162
Gross weight, kg 3,60
Number of units per pallet 26
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